Priestley Primary School
We have taken the opportunity to review the experiences that we are offering the children. We have previously spread the cost of the year’s trips and visits over the 6 terms and found that we didn’t receive enough money across the year to make it a viable option. Therefore, we have decided that we will now ask for contributions on a trip/visit by trip/visit basis
We have sent letters home this week with details of trips/visits for all the year groups. They are live on ParentPay now and we ask that make as much contribution as you are able to avoid disappointing the children. Please return your permission slips ASAP.
Tuesday 14 January - Yr2/3 - Superhero workshop in School
Wednesday 15 January- Yr 6 - Explorers & Polar Regions Workshop in School
Tuesday 21 January - EYFS/Yr1 - Jonathan's Jungle in School
Thursday 13 February - Yr 4/5 - Viking workshop in School
The next Rags to Riches collection at Priestley will be on Wednesday 29 January
If you can have a sort out of any good quality, old clothing (not uniform), jewellery, shoes, bags and belts we would be grateful. Bags of clothing can be dropped off by the main driveway gates by 9am on the morning of 29 January (NOT before).
We have organised swimming sessions for Mallard Class, starting on Monday 18 November. There has been a change to the original plan to split the class, they will now all be going together.
The lessons will take place on Monday afternoons between 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm and run for 9 weeks, with the last lesson on Monday, 10 February 2025.
We were originally asking for contributions of £3 per session (£15 for the 5 weeks) towards the cost of the swimming for your child, this is live on ParentPay. this cost has not changed even though the children will be attending lessons for 9 weeks. Please contribute what you can to help with the costs.
We have 3 Training Days planned for the rest of the academic year they are:
Monday 6 January 2025
Friday 14 February 2025
Friday 27 June 2025​​​​​

WEDS 29 JAN - Rags to Riches Collection
MON 3 FEB - Mallard Swimming
MON 10 FEB- Mallard Swimming - Final Lesson
WEDS 12 FEB - Join your Child @School - Science
THURS 13 FEB - Viking Workshop in school - Yr 4/5
FRI 14 FEB - Teacher Training Day, school closed to all pupils
FRI 14 FEB - End of Term 3
MON 24 FEB - Start of Term 4