Priestley Primary School
Healthy Eating
We encourage the children to eat a healthy and varied diet whilst at school. During breaktimes the Key Stage 1 children are provided with a fruit or veg snack whilst the Key Stage 2 children are able to bring in a healthy snack from home, no sweets, crisps or biscuits please . The children are each expected to have a water bottle so that they can have drinks within easy reach during the day.
Our lunches are provided by Lataca catering Company and are extremely delicious, members of staff can often be found tucking in at lunchtime too. We now use ParentPay to order school dinners, current menus for the year are all displayed on this site so you can order more than one week at a time if you wish. The cost of dinners are £2.50 each and orders for the following week must be completed by midnight of the Tuesday before. Remember that Key Stage 1 children are all entitled to a free school meal but they must still order it on time. A copy of the current menu will be on display opposite the school office.