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Computing at Priestley

Computing Pathway

Raising Aspiration, Realising Ambition, Stimulating Curiosity.

At Priestley Primary School, the computing curriculum is designed to immerse children into technology with a vision of raising pupil aspiration, realising ambition, and stimulating curiosity while providing a wide range of experiences which can be applied across the curriculum. The progressive sessions place learning at the heart of everything we do and allow for a broad, deep awareness of computing and how it relates to children's lives. It offers a breadth of opportunities for consolidation, challenge and variety. This allows children to use the basic principles and concepts of computer science with the aim of them developing analytical problem-solving skills and learning to evaluate and apply information technology. It also enables them to become conscientious, knowledgeable, confident and imaginative users of information technology.
In order to encourage our children to achieve the highest knowledge and understanding of the computing curriculum, we use our learning character ‘Spikey’ to model key traits which support learning. Spikey is a key member of the school’s learning community. Pupils follow our ‘Priestley Values’ to helps us all to learn like Spikey through:
Having Respect for All, Giving Everything a Go, Cooperating, Taking Responsibility, Sharing Great Ideas, Staying Focused and Thinking Things Through.
Because of these values, we are able to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to encourage responsibility for learning and future success. Children leave the school Priestley and Proud with a sense of belonging, to a community where they have the skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections, and become lifelong learners with the confidence to explore life in modern Britain.


Placing learning at the heart of everything we do.

To support our commitment of developing each child as a whole, at Priestley Primary School, we have developed a Priestley Pathway of tailored learning intentions aligned to the national curriculum. Using the Twinkl ‘Plan it’ scheme, we will follow a progressive learning process from Year 1 to Year 6. Each lesson contains revision, analysis and problem-solving. Through the sequence of lessons, we intend to inspire pupils to develop a love of the digital world and see its place in their future. The aim for each session is to help children to build on previous knowledge as well as introducing new skills and challenges. In KS1, the focus is on developing the use of algorithms, programming and how technology can be used safely and purposefully. In KS2, lessons still focus on algorithms, programming and coding but in a more complex way and for different purposes. Children also develop their knowledge of computer networks, internet services and the safe and purposeful use of the internet and technology. Data Handling is featured more heavily in UKS2 with skills learnt through KS1 and LKS2 which support the learning of data presentation and handling as the child progresses.
To embed ‘learn like Spikey’ into the computing curriculum, we will ensure that links are made to each trait to guide the children through life with a deep understanding of how to appropriately use technology. The children need to, first and foremost, show a profound ‘Respect for All’. This respect encompasses the opinions and behaviours of others as well the various environments in which they find themselves in. Through exploring online behaviours and citizenship, the children will develop a deep understanding of how to be safe online and how to be a positive internet user. The children are consistently encouraged to ensure they always: ‘Think Things Through’ – linking what they know and taking logical actions to solve problems. ‘Share Great Ideas’ – expressing their experiences and knowledge of technology to inspire others ‘Cooperate’ – work collaboratively to reach a shared goal of presentation and problem solving ‘Give it a Go’ – show perseverance when tasks provide a level of challenge ‘Stay Focused’ – manage distractions and commit to learning new skills ‘Take Responsibility’ – Understand and apply knowledge of how to be a good online citizen and know when and how to report problems that they encounter online.


Priestley and Proud

Throughout the Learning sequence in computing, we will place learning at the heart of everything we do by providing valuable learning experiences which will ensure that the children enthusiastically partake in computing across the school. Teachers will follow the ‘Priestley Pathway’ to teach, assess and creatively gather evidence in a range of formats across a variety of subject areas. Children will use subject specific vocabulary accurately, and progress in their technical skills. The outcome of their learning will demonstrate a confidence in using different hardware and software. Children will see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make. They will be confident and respectful digital citizens going on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.

Priestley Primary School, Prince Charles Drive, CALNE, Wiltshire SN11 8TG

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