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Geography at Priestley

Geography Pathway

Raising Aspiration, Realising Ambition, Stimulating Curiosity.

At Priestley Primary, the Geography curriculum is taught through Cornerstones. It aims to raise pupil aspiration and stimulate curiosity and interest about the world and its people. This enables children to have an in-depth knowledge of their local, wider and global community. The platform also provides links to other areas of learning as well as progressing through year groups and phases. Pupils have access to the local area and resources to support their fieldwork skills within the curriculum.
We aim to provide as many real-life experiences as possible through trips and having visitors to fully immerse the children, placing learning at the heart of everything we do. Use of ICT, including Google Earth, is used to bring other areas of the world to life. Through fieldwork and research, pupils will be encouraged to raise and answer questions about the Natural and Human worlds.
Pupils will also learn how to use geographical skills to find out all about different cultures and parts of the world. This will spark their curiosity about different places and people. Children learn how to read maps and interpret data; they will also be asked to use these skills to answer questions and explain their findings.
Providing pupils with the geographical skills and knowledge, enabling them to be ambitious and apply learning to other areas of the curriculum is what we strive for. Developing a well-rounded pupil that is Priestley and Proud.


Placing learning at the heart of everything we do.

In line with our Cornerstone topics and tailored Priestley Pathway, in KS1, pupils are encouraged to use maps to explore their local area, continents and oceans. In Year 2, children broaden their understanding by comparing where they live to places outside of Europe and ask and answer geographical questions. Children participate in fieldwork activities, cooperating with others, which promotes geographical knowledge and understanding by bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world. In KS2, map skills are developed further using digital maps, a variety of keys and symbols and children begin to use more fieldwork skills. All children expand on their skills in local knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork. Children at Priestley Primary are provided with the opportunities to work in a supportive and collaborative learning space which fosters investigative and enquiry-based learning. In all year groups, specific geographical vocabulary will be introduced through vocabulary lists. Children will be encouraged to ‘Give it a go’ and use this vocabulary within with learning as it will help assist their geographical exploration.


Priestley and Proud

Here at Priestley Primary, we use a variety of strategies to evaluate the Geographical Knowledge, Understanding and Skills that our children have gained in each topic, in line with the ‘Priestley Pathway’. All children will use specific geographical vocabulary as specified on the vocabulary lists for each year group and be able to speak confidently about their geographical learning. To ensure the development of the children’s enquiry skills and geographical understanding, we aim to include relevant cross-curricular links to other curriculum subjects such as Science and History. The impact of learning can also be measured through key questions posed in each lesson, child-led assessment, pupil conferencing, ‘sharing great ideas’ and summative assessment which inform the next steps in learning. Children will develop their skills in collecting, evaluating and discussing a range of data gathered and be able to interpret geographical information from a variety of sources.
We strive to ensure all children understand their role in the world, realise they have choices to make and develop a positive attitude towards the planet by placing learning at the heart of everything we do.

Priestley Primary School, Prince Charles Drive, CALNE, Wiltshire SN11 8TG

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