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PSHE at Priestley


Raising Aspiration, Realising Ambition, Stimulating Curiosity.

At Priestley School, we aim to stimulate curiosity when looking at the individual and the world around them. We hope to help children gain knowledge of themselves as an individual to help them succeed in the wider community. Through questions and practical experiences, we aim to encourage children to think critically, discuss scenarios and consider the feelings of others. We believe that understanding the individual and how they work can help shape the minds of the future. By understanding everyone is different and that’s what makes us unique, the children will be able to put themselves in other’s shoes and become more sympathetic adults, encouraging them to Have Respect for All. Using visitors, trips and practical activities, children can immerse themselves in experiences to develop themselves personally, socially and emotionally. This helps place learning at the heart of everything we do. Exploring being me, celebrating difference, dreams and goals, healthy me, relationships and changing me, PSHE will happen through a sequence of lessons to ensure the children cover all of the national curriculum (RSE) objectives whilst also broadening their understanding of themselves and others.


Placing learning at the heart of everything we do.

Throughout different topics, along our Priestley Pathway, personal, social and emotional skills will be used within a variety of lessons. The children will look at relationships and being healthy which links into RSE (sex education). Revisiting and consolidating skills between different topics will help children to build on prior knowledge alongside introducing new skills, knowledge and challenge. Topics interlink cross curricularly e.g. e-safety and ICT or healthy me and P.E. This will encourage the children to Think Things Through, Share Great Ideas and Stay Focused on their learning. Specific vocabulary will be introduced to the children through the Jigsaw vocabulary lists to assist with embedding their PSHE learning. At Priestley School, we intend to inspire pupils to develop a love of PSHE and help them to be respectful and responsible citizens.


Priestley and Proud

A variety of resources, display materials and practical experiences will assist the children when learning about PSHE. The Calm Me Kat, Jigsaw piece, chime bar and vocabulary are all used by both teachers and learners. We want to ensure that discussion skills are imbedded within the children and that they can draw upon those skills during pausing points, thinking time and in future lessons throughout their schooling. Impact can also be measured through key questioning skills built into lessons, child-led assessment such as KWL grids, pupil conferencing and summative assessments aimed at targeting next steps in learning.
Throughout all lessons, we will be encouraging our Spikey traits:
Having Respect for All, Giving Everything a Go, Cooperating, Taking Responsibility, Sharing Great Ideas, Staying Focused and Thinking Things Through,

Priestley Primary School, Prince Charles Drive, CALNE, Wiltshire SN11 8TG

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